Prisca Valentino

(International) Entrepreneurship🚀Effectuation Method🍋Co-creative Entrepreneurship, & Design Science📐

The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs

Journal article

Valentino P., Schreier C., & Jaroenwisan K.
ABAC Journal, vol. 43(4), 2023, pp. 354-376


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APA   Click to copy
P., V., C., S., & & Jaroenwisan K. (2023). The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs. ABAC Journal, 43(4), 354–376.

Chicago/Turabian   Click to copy
P., Valentino, Schreier C., and & Jaroenwisan K. “The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs.” ABAC Journal 43, no. 4 (2023): 354–376.

MLA   Click to copy
P., Valentino, et al. “The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs.” ABAC Journal, vol. 43, no. 4, 2023, pp. 354–76, doi: .

BibTeX   Click to copy

  title = {The Effectual Design Method for Internationalizing Architectural and Engineering Services: Insights from Swiss Design Entrepreneurs},
  year = {2023},
  issue = {4},
  journal = {ABAC Journal},
  pages = {354-376},
  volume = {43},
  doi = { },
  author = {P., Valentino and C., Schreier and K., & Jaroenwisan}